Book your unusual lodging in Gironde with a gift voucher in Domaine EcÔtelia


Do you habe a gift voucher ?


Yes  No



You are the happy beneficiary of a gift voucher bought in our Estate ?


1- Check the validity of your gift voucher :

2- Make your reservation request using the form above. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 


You are the happy beneficiary of a gift voucher from Wonderbox, Smartbox, Cabanes de France or another one ?


1- Make sure that Domaine EcÔtelia is listed on your box or on their website

2- Make sure that the lodging your are interested in is included in your box 

3- Check the availability of your lodging on your desire date : Availabilities

4- For the Smartbox and Dakotabox gift vouchers, you have to reserve by yourself directly on their website.

5- For the other boxes, fill in the reservation request form below : 


Name / Firstname
ZIP / City
Phone number
Code cadeau de votre box (Pour les wonderbox, chiffres en dessous du code barre avec une dizaine de chiffre et commençant par un 0)
Price of your gift
Desired date(s) of the stay
Accommodation provided in the box
Nombre d'adulte et d'enfants de +12 ans
Nom d'enfants de -13ans
Your request

Thank you to recopy the code below:


6- We will come back to you as soon as possible to confirm your booking.


Once accepted, your booking will be firm & final and it will not be possible to change the dates afterwards. You will have to send us your gift voucher (after filling in your personal part) by post to complete your reservation.